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Here are the top five most read stories of this week that you will love.

1. The Four Smart Students : In this story four college students were out partying late night and didn’t study for the test which was scheduled for the next day. You must read this story once which is with a good moral.

2. A BIRD IN A CAGE : After reading this story you will get the real feel of your freedom. If you are tired and feeling completely hopeless then you must read this story once. Believe me this story will change your mood.

3. Helping Others : If you want to tell a story to your kids then this story is for you. This story gives children a good moral about how to help others. My personal opinion is that you must read this story once in your life.
4. AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP : This story is about three thieves who stole a lot of money from a rich man's house. You will really enjoy reading this story. By reading this story you will be reminded of your childhood when your parents used to tell you the story of thieves.
5. Find your own destiny : If you always curse your luck then this story is for you. This story tells you that you should write your own destiny with your own hard work. If you have lost faith in yourself and want to do something in life, but are unable to do it, then this story is perfect for you.

So these were the five best short stories of this week, tell us which one you like by commenting below.


Helping Others

Helping Others




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