A Peaceful Passing short story with moral "She said, “Don't call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully, with your hand in mine.” He told her about the past, how they met, and their first kiss. They didn't cry, they smiled. They didn't regret anything, they were grateful. Then she repeated softly, 'I love you forever!' He returned her words, gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully with her hand in his. Love is what matters because man comes into this world with nothing other than love and leaves with nothing other than love. Profession, career, bank account, our goods are just tools, nothing more. Everything stays here. Love, as if there was nothing more important in your life."
Last Dream of the Old Oak There once was an old oak tree that had lived through centuries. He was proud to be called the oldest tree in the world. He often thought how lucky he was to enjoy the beauty of nature for so long while mortals could enjoy it only for a few decades. The tree looked back at his life and thought about all that he had seen though the ages–the sun, the moon, the seas and all the animals–bright and beautiful. He had seen famous kings, beautiful queens and lots of fierce wars. But he had a last wish–he wanted to grow taller, touch the clouds, feel the stars, and see the heavens above. However, when the harsh winter months approached, the tree lost all his leaves and his roots became frail. Then one morning, the oak tree died.